Published June 10, 2022

Release date:
June 10, 2022


GrowSF and allies win No on "C" and Yes on "H" elections

San Francisco — GrowSF and its allies changed history this week, defeating an out-of-touch district attorney and Aaron Peskin's measure to prevent citizen-led recalls. GrowSF mailed its voter guide to over 272,000 voting households and the digital GrowSF voter guide was viewed over 150,000 times.

This election proves:

GrowSF is now the most influential voter guide in San Francisco

Alongside the Yes on H and No on C campaigns, GrowSF was victorious in the June 7, 2022 primary election. Resounding majorities of 60% recalling Chesa Boudin and 60% opposing Supervisor Aaron Peskin's anti-democratic Prop C show that San Franciscans agree with GrowSF that competence matters.

GrowSF is a multiracial and multigenerational grassroots coalition of parents, workers, new residents, and life-long San Franciscans who all want a safe, affordable, dynamic, growing, and most of all functional city.

"This is a pivotal moment in SF history. We will no longer be gaslit by politicians who are pushing their ideological agendas instead of working for regular people. We demand a city that works, we demand competence, and we will hold politicians accountable," said Sachin Agarwal, co-founder of GrowSF.

"San Franciscans are ready for a change. We're ready to demand competent leadership and believe that outcomes are more important than ideology," said Steven Buss, co-founder of GrowSF.

You can learn more about GrowSF at


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