Donate to GrowSF

GrowSF is the #1 voter guide in San Francisco, trusted by hundreds of thousands of residents. We are working towards a vibrant city where new residents are welcomed, businesses can flourish, and families can put down their roots and thrive. Donate here to support outcomes over ideologies.

Ways to Donate

In addition to online donations, we accept wire transfers, appreciated stock, and crypto.

GrowSF is a 501(c)(4) non-profit. Donations are anonymous and tax exempt, but not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

A view of San Francisco from Dolores Park
My wife and I moved here in the 90's and are raising a family in the city. I might not be a native, but I'm a proud local, and I support GrowSF because they're focused on positive change: helping business owners thrive, more affordable housing, and supervisors who care about quality of life.
Hunter Walk
Hunter WalkPartner at Homebrew
I've been most impressed with the impact GrowSF had on the winning campaigns for school board and Joel Engardio in D4–and specifically with the outcomes in making the school board and board of supervisors more accurately reflect the desires of SF voters.
Cristina Cordova
Cristina CordovaCOO at Linear
I love San Francisco, and I want to raise my kids here. That's why I left my career in tech to start GrowSF and work every day to get San Francisco on the right track. I'm not leaving. This is the most incredible city in the world, and I want more people to live here.
Sachin Agarwal
Sachin AgarwalCo-founder at GrowSF

GrowSF pursues common sense solutions for our city

All money raised supports our 501(c)(4) programs

We support a more livable, sustainable, and affordable city. We want clean & safe streets, great public schools, well-run transit, a vibrant and thriving economy, and more housing.Our goal is to help you get informed on local issues, share ways to get engaged, and create change. Many elections in SF end up being decided by dozens of votes: your vote can make the difference.When more caring, motivated residents get involved in San Francisco, we can build a better city for the long term. We hope you’ll join us.

GrowSF is a 501(c)(4) non-profit. Donations are anonymous and tax exempt, but not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.