Support housing at 469 Stevenson!

Save 500 Homes at 469 Stevenson - Scroll down to take action!
“S.F. Supervisors have lost their minds on housing” - SF Chronicle Editorial Board
On Tuesday, October 26 San Francisco residents were appalled and outraged when the SF Board of Supervisors voted 8-3 to reject nearly 500 new homes, 25% of which would be designated for low- and middle-income families, and 100% of which would be built utilizing union labor.
These proposed homes would be built in place of an underutilized valet parket lot, directly next to public transportation, and within walking distance of thousands of jobs.
For these reasons and many others, the professionals at the San Francisco Planning Commission had already approved the 469 Stevenson Street project, but eight Supervisors (Connie Chan, Rafael Mandelman, Gordon Mar, Myrna Melgar, Dean Preston, Aaron Peskin, Hillary Ronen, Shamann Walton) nonetheless voted to block these much-needed new homes to preserve a valet parking lot, offering only flimsy and ever-shifting excuses for their action.
And now the state of California has launched an investigation to determine whether their actions violated state housing laws.
What You Can Do
There’s still time for the Supervisors to reverse their decision but they need to hear from you!
While we've identified Supervisors Gordon Mar, Myrna Melgar, and Rafael Mandelman as key votes, it’s critical to strongly urge every member of the Board of Supervisors to approve the 469 Stevenson street project.
1. Sign the petition
2. Send an email to our officials
Please take a minute to email them in support of bringing 500 new homes to 469 Stevenson!
Learn More
- Why did S.F. supervisors vote against a project to turn a parking lot into 500 housing units?
- S.F.’s real housing crisis: Supervisors who took a wrecking ball to plans for 800 units
- ‘Absurdity’: San Francisco leaders stall SOMA housing project to preserve parking lot
- S.F. supervisors have lost their minds on housing
- S.F. supes say they killed a SoMa development to protect our community. They forgot to ask us
- State investigating S.F.’s decision to reject turning parking lot into 500 housing units
- State gives S.F. 30 days to explain why it blocked 800 housing units in recent months
Who supports more housing at 469 Stevenson?
- Mayor London Breed
- Supervisor Catherine Stefani (D2)
- Supervisor Matt Haney (D6)
- Supervisor Ahsha Safai (D11)
- San Francisco Planning Commission
- San Francisco Labor Council
- San Francisco Building and Construction Trades Council
- Demonstration Gardens
- Filipino Community Development Corporation
- Mid-Market Coalition
- Senior & Disability Action
- 6th St Alleyway Improvement
- SoMA Filipino Association
- SoMa Neighborhood Residents Council
- Tenderloin Filipino-American Community Association
- Tenderloin People's Congress
Take action now!
- You can reach out to us at