Defend your right to vote! Tell Aaron Peskin to back down!

Judges impact our community’s safety. The role of the judge is to be an impartial decision maker: to decide if suspects should be held until they are tried (if they are a danger to society); to lead court proceedings; and to determine sentencing if found guilty.
On March 5, 2024, San Francisco voters get the chance to elect judges who reflect the values and demands of San Francisco. GrowSF will be researching the options and endorsing the best people for the job.
But Aaron Peskin is getting in the way: he has introduced a resolution at the Board condemning the election of judges, which has been a long-time part of our Democracy. Peskin has equated the upcoming election to a hostile takeover by the people of San Francisco!
Peskin is trying to take away your right to vote for judges because he favors the incumbent. Not only is this anti-democratic, but it's also hypocritical! In 2008, Peskin endorsed Gerardo Sandoval for judge when Sandoval was running against an incumbent judge! To make matters worse, the Bar Association of San Francisco had rated Sandoval unqualified for the bench.
To safeguard your right to vote on judges in the March election, email the Supervisors telling them to reject Peskin’s resolution to take away your voting rights and that you believe in fair and free elections.