Give Small Businesses More Time for Outdoor Dining

Support Giving Small Business More Time for Outdoor Dining
GrowSF is proud of our role in saving shared spaces and making outdoor dining permanent this past summer. We’ve always loved the food, drink, and social vibe of San Francisco — and love it even more with outdoor seating that’s fun, funky, and creative.
Alas, like freedom and democracy, shared spaces are fragile and need protecting.
In the effort to make them permanent (a good thing), City Hall sought to ensure the structures were fire-proof and accessible for disabled residents to enjoy (a good thing). But in doing so, City Hall created 60 pages of regulations that threaten the whole point of shared spaces (a bad thing).
There needs to be a balance. A shared space structure shouldn’t be inaccessible, a death trap, or an eyesore. Yet we can’t overregulate them until businesses just give up because they’re no longer feasible.
We’re grateful Mayor London Breed proposed an extension of the deadline for compliance until March 2023. Let’s use this extra time to make shared spaces better without killing them in the process.
Don't let the same supervisors that tried to ruin outdoor dining the first time around delay or ruin Mayor Breed's proposal.
Urge your supervisor to support the mayor’s common sense plan to make outdoor dining permanent.
Email your supervisor using our tool below. The email's already written - customize it or just hit send!