Safe Streets Pledge

GrowSF believes that dealers of deadly fentanyl should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and that illegal open-air drug dealing in the Tenderloin, Soma, and other neighborhoods should not be tolerated. We must enforce our laws against criminals who are flagrantly breaking them and killing people in the process. These dealers, who have killed more San Franciscans than COVID-19, should face appropriate consequences, including jail time.
The regular, law-abiding residents of San Francisco deserve safe streets free of crime. Children in the Tenderloin deserve to be able to walk to school without being accosted by drug dealers. Seniors in SOMA deserve to be able to walk to the grocery store without having to step over dirty needles and human waste. All San Franciscans deserve a city that enforces our laws.
Sign our petition
Sign our petition to show your support, and to get updates on what's going on.
Who supports this?
We emailed our Mayor and our 11 Supervisors asking if they support the arrest and prosecution of the fentanyl dealers who are killing San Franciscans.
Mayor Breed and Supervisors Engardio, Dorsey, Stefani, Mandelman, and Safai signed our pledge. They DO support the arrest and prosecution of fentanyl dealers.
Supervisors Chan, Peskin, Preston, Melgar, Ronen, and Walton have not.
Send an email to our officials
Demand better. Email your Supervisor and let them know you want fentanyl dealers to be arrested and face appropriate consequences. We make it easy: these links will open a pre-filled email. You can view it, edit it, and then hit send when ready.
3. Attend a TogetherSF Action event to learn more
Our friends at TogetherSF Action are hosting an informative event "What We Can Do About San Francisco’s Drug Crisis".
"The drug crisis is at the heart of San Francisco’s dysfunction and we cannot continue to let it destroy our city. At this event we’ll have subject matter experts explain how San Francisco got here and what we can do together to demand action and change."
What's stopping the arrest of fentanyl dealers today?
We have a crisis level shortage of police officers. There just aren't enough officers to arrest all the fentanyl dealers at a rate that would make progress.
When dealers are arrested, officers are pulled off the street to process the suspect. While they are off the streets, another dealer just replaces the one that was arrested. When the arrested dealer goes in front of a judge, our judges often go against the District Attorney's recommendation to hold them, meaning they are right back on the streets dealing.
It's not enough that the Mayor and District Attorney support arresting and prosecuting fentanyl dealers. We need support from every Supervisor and every resident. We ALL need to show support in order to change judges' behavior, modify city department policies, and to recruit enough police officers to fight the fentanyl epidemic.
That's why your signature matters.