Q1 2025 Poll on downtown recovery

Last Updated: February 24, 2025

For the first time since 2020, more San Franciscans say the city is heading in the right direction than on the wrong track. The idea that San Franciscans are full of fresh hope is clearly reflected in the data.

Since Trump was inaugurated he has been dominating national headlines, but our poll shows that the vast majority of San Franciscans wants Mayor Lurie to focus on local issues, not on national politics.

The Direction of San FranciscoThe Direction of San Francisco
The question: Would you say things in San Francisco are going in the right direction, or would you say they are off on the wrong track?
0%Wrong track
0%Right direction
0%Don't know

The direction over time

The GrowSF TakeArrow Decorator

For the first time since March 2020, more San Franciscans say the city is heading in the right direction than on the wrong track. This is a huge change compared to our last poll in October, 2024 — just before the November, 2024 Mayoral election. "Right direction" increased 6 points, and "wrong track" decreased a staggering 28 points, both outside the margin of error. The idea that San Franciscans are full of fresh hope is clearly reflected in the data

Roughly half of San Franciscans who said SF was on the wrong track in October 2024 now report they are unsure. Rather than jump to a conclusion, they are waiting to see what City Hall will do next - another sign of cautious optimism.

It's clear that it's a new day in San Francisco.

National vs LocalNational vs Local
The question: Do you think it is more important for Mayor Lurie to focus on making progress on key local issues or making a strong case against Trump administration abuses?
0%Focus on SF
0%Focus on Trump
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Since Trump was inaugurated he has been dominating national headlines, but our poll shows that the vast majority of San Franciscans wants Mayor Lurie to focus on local issues, not on national politics.

This is a clear signal that San Franciscans want City Hall to focus on the basics and that the Mayor's focus on local issues is resonating with voters.

The question: Please indicate whether you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of each person.
Mayor Daniel Lurie
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
State Senator Scott Wiener
Very favorable
Somewhat favorable
Somewhat unfavorable
Very unfavorable
The question: Please indicate whether you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of each organization.
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors
San Francisco Unified School District School Board
Very favorable
Somewhat favorable
Somewhat unfavorable
Very unfavorable
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Mayor Lurie is riding high with the best overall favorability, by far, of any politician or organization in San Francisco.

Congresswoman Pelosi is very popular in the City, though perhaps not quite as popular as one might expect given her extremely high-profile role in Congress. State Senator Wiener, who has formed a committee to run for Pelosi's seat after she retires, is the second most popular local politician in San Francisco, behind only Mayor Lurie. (This is based on favorability polls run by other organizations which we have not duplicated here.)

And while the Board of Supervisors and the School Board are deeply unpopular, everybody loves Muni.

Downtown recoveryDowntown recovery
The question: The Board of Supervisors may propose a change to City tax policies to offer reduced taxes to companies that relocate to struggling downtown neighborhoods, with the requirement that their employees work in the office five days a week, in order to help downtown economic recovery. Would you support or oppose this proposal?
0%Don't know
The question: Businesses on Market Street in Downtown are struggling to attract customers, and long stretches of the street are vacant. Here is a list of proposed changes to Market Street to address this problem. For each, please indicate if you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose it.
Reducing fees and the time it takes to obtain business permits
Increasing police presence on Market
Create entertainment zones that allow consumption of alcohol along Market
Increasing buses on Market Street
Tax breaks for businesses on Market
Allow cars back on Market
Subsidizing all retail businesses on Market
Turning Market Street into a park
Strongly support
Somewhat support
Somewhat oppose
Strongly oppose
The GrowSF TakeArrow Decorator

Market Street has been suffering long before Covid. During the election last November, some candidates pitched bringing cars back to Market as the solution, but our poll shows that it just isn’t that popular compared to the other options. Instead, what San Franciscans say they want is to make it a destination and that means making it easier for businesses to open, creating entertainment zones with alcohol, and increasing police presence to make it safe and clean.

Lower fees and tax benefits for struggling small businesses, faster and easier permitting, more police, and entertainment zones are all popular ideas to help Downtown and Market Street get back on track.

Small Business ReformsSmall Business Reforms
The question: San Francisco law requires that small businesses contribute a portion of their revenue into a City- administered account that was originally intended to provide healthcare to employees, typically charged to customers as the “SF Mandate”. However, since the passage of Obamacare in 2010, very few employees have a need or use for the program, while the fees continue to be collected, resulting in nearly a billion dollars sitting unused.

Knowing this, would you support or oppose repealing this law?
The question: San Francisco bans "formula retail" stores, which are stores with 11 or more locations with the same look and feel, from opening in many neighborhoods. This small number has stopped many local small businesses from expanding within the city, and has also made it more difficult to fill vacant storefronts. Which of the following options would you favor?
Formula retail reform
51%Let the Board of Supervisors vote to allow more
24%Completely repeal the limit
16%Leave it unchanged
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The SF "Healthy Mandate" was intended to help workers get health care, but since Obamacare was passed in 2010, almost no one qualifies to use it so the money is literally sitting unused in a bank account.

Diners are sick and tired of the "SF Mandate" and other hidden fees at restaurants. It's time for them to go.

San Francisco is a city of local businesses that give us our unique character. But San Franciscans don’t believe we should have a hard ban on formula retail, especially during times when our local economy is struggling. Chain stores are better than empty storefronts!

Employment & Work from homeEmployment & Work from home
The question: Which of the following best describes your current employment status:
Employment in San Francisco
52%Employed full-time
10%Employed part-time
9%Looking for work
4%Rather not say
The question: Of those who are employed (n=262, 6% MOE), even if you don’t currently work from home, do you work in a job that could accommodate working from home?
Employment in San Francisco
42%Can work from home all the time
36%Can work from home 1-2 days per week
23%Only work in-office
The question: Of those who are employed (n=262, 6% MOE), how many days do you currently work from home each week?
Work from home in San Francisco
27%0 days
3%1 day
23%2 days
11%3 days
8%4 days
25%5 days
The question: Of those who work from home at least 1 day per week (n=185, 7% MOE), under what conditions would you be willing to return to working in the office five days per week?
Return to office
22%Better transit & safer streets
17%Better benefits & pay
15%If required
13%Don't need to, job is fully remote
The GrowSF TakeArrow Decorator

A solid majority of San Franciscans are employed, and almost no adults are unemployed. This is a mixed signal about our economy: on one hand, it's great that the job market is so strong, but on the other hand, it's a sign that the city is too expensive to have a parent not work.

Note that the official unemployment rate for San Francisco is just 3.5%, so our 9% "looking for work" number may include people who are employed and searching for a new job, plus the 4.9% margin of error.

A lot of San Franciscans work from home, with just a quarter of employed adults working in an office full-time. It's encouraging to see that if the city can deliver on better transit and safer streets, many people will return to working from the office and boost the downtown economy.


In September 2023 we asked San Franciscans how they felt about building more homeless shelters, and how they feel if those shelters are located near them. Support for both remains high, and the opposition to shelters within one quarter mile of home has meaningfully declined.

The question: Do you support or oppose increasing the number of shelters for homeless people in San Francisco?

Homeless shelter support

The question: Would you support or oppose building a homeless shelter within a quarter-mile of your home?

Homeless shelter near you support

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San Franciscans still take the homelessness crisis seriously and are still waiting for City Hall to take action. Support for shelters remains high, and opposition to shelters near homes has meaningfully declined. City Hall should stop waiting and start building.

The question: Next, the Board of Supervisors may propose a change to city zoning laws in order to allow up to 30-story residential buildings in SOMA, the Financial District, Dogpatch, and Mission Bay. This would allow many more homes and offices to be built in these neighborhoods. Would you support or oppose these changes?
The question: The Board of Supervisors may propose a change to City zoning laws which would allow 8-story buildings along major streets and near major public transit stops, and 5 to 7 stories on some commercial corridors, plus up to 20 stories along Van Ness north of Market and on California east of the Richmond district. Would you support or oppose this change?

Here's what a zoning map that incorporates both questions might look like:

Zoning map
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Like our poll in October 2024 showed, San Franciscans are very supportive of building more housing in the city. The idea of building skyscrapers in SOMA, the Financial District, Dogpatch, and Mission Bay is very popular, as is the idea of building taller buildings along major streets and near major public transit stops.

This is great news for the city as it faces a looming deadline from the State to make room for new neighbors. All that City Hall needs to do is pass the popular changes that San Franciscans already want — if they can just ignore the loudest anti-housing voices that have controlled City Hall for too long.

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February 1-6, 2025
Survey Type
Dual-mode voter survey
Research population
San Francisco voters
Total interviews
Margin of sampling error
±4.9% at the 95% confidence level
Contact methods
Telephone calls
Email invitations
Text invitations
Data collection modes
Telephone interviews
Online interviews
English and Chinese