Q2 2024 Poll on Street Safety, Muni, and Transit
Last Updated: June 11, 2024San Franciscans want to ride Muni more, walk more, and cycle more. To enable that, our city should invest in making public transportation faster and more reliable, and increasing pedestrian safety infrastructure.
Unfortunately San Francisco and Bay Area transportation systems are facing massive shortfalls in revenue compared to pre-Covid times, driven by work-from-home, fare evasion, and other causes. It's critical we don't let our public transportation systems fail and find ways to close the funding gap.
Increased pedestrian safety infrastructure would be a big win for all residents because it helps not only San Franciscans who commute via walking, but also cyclists, public transport users, and drivers.
GrowSF’s goal is to deliver results for San Franciscans through more effective city government. As part of that effort, we run a city-wide poll every quarter and publish the results to make sure city officials know San Franciscans’ concerns.
While most residents said they are "satisifed" with how they move around the city, there's an overwhelming desire to drive less in favor of public transportation, walking, and biking.
Respondents indicate they’d increase their Muni and BART usage if it was more convenient and frequent. Unfortunately, with Muni and Bart ridership still lower than pre-pandemic levels, these systems have massive revenue shortfalls. Without action, we're heading towards a future of service cuts rather than increases.
Improving pedestrian safety infrastructure is another broadly supported area for improvement with lacking investment from the city. Residents who use public transportation, bike, and even drive also walk, so investing in pedestrian safety is a great way to improve transportation for everyone.
San Franciscans tell us that car injuries are not isolated freak incidents, and could easily happen to you. 4 out of 5 don’t feel ‘very safe’ while crossing the street, with no notable differences between people who own cars and don’t.
61% of current cyclists feel unsafe when biking in San Francisco, with almost all of them reporting unsafe cars and drivers are the reason. For those who want to bike more, the main thing stopping them are safety concerns.
Cycling is the transportation mode with the best upside: each conversion of car to bike takes a car off the road, which improves safety, congestion, and the climate. The growing popularity of e-bikes to help navigate hills and school drop-offs opens up more trips as well.
A shocking 38% of residents do not believe there will be consequences for breaking the law while driving. This is probably due to our complete lack of traffic enforcement.
Most residents believe we should increase SFPD enforcement of traffic violations, and invest in infrastructure improvements which will slow traffic and keep people safer.
Gender, age, and parenting status matter on this topic. Support for overall increases in traffic enforcement is close to 90% of parents of children under age 18. When looking at the details of considered traffic measures, women support many of them at substantially higher rates than men.
Awareness is low of the recently passed ban on parking close to where people cross streets. The city needs to paint curbs, educate the public, and enforce the law otherwise this law will have little effect.
Even with only 27% of San Franciscans reporting they bike regularly, 64% support increasing the number of protected bike lanes.
Formerly controversial measures like car-free JFK and Market Street now have majority support.
We are big fans of the idea of car-free Market Street, but believe the city hasn’t done enough to activate the space and make the road better for bikes since shutting it down to cars.
The direction over time
"Right Direction” improved by 7 points since our last poll in February, outside the margin of error. San Franciscans remain quite unhappy, but perception is heading in a positive direction for the first time since COVID began.