GrowSF Talent

San Francisco Needs You!

San Francisco deserves great leaders who get great outcomes. We need more commonsense, results-oriented people from a wide variety of backgrounds and industries participating in local government. To do this, we need to significantly expand the talent pipeline. And, we need to make it easier for qualified people to find ways to contribute.

If you're a San Franciscan looking to volunteer, join a commission, work in City Hall, or run for office yourself - we can guide you to the right roles, connect you to the right people, and even endorse you if you run.

If you're an elected official looking to hire or appoint exceptional talent, we can help you find the right person for the role.

The future of our city depends on who steps up to lead it - GrowSF Talent is here to help.

San Francisco Needs You! Join GrowSF Talent.

For Candidates

GrowSF Talent is here to help

Run for office

In every election cycle, we want the best possible candidates running for office. We’re looking for people with high integrity, a service mindset, strong policy acumen and GrowSF alignment, and the ability to drive relentlessly towards the outcomes voters want. If you plan to run for an elected position, and are interested in GrowSF’s endorsement, submit your interest.

Join a Commission

You don’t have to run for office to have a meaningful impact on our city. Joining a Board, Commission, or Task Force is a great way to lend your time and talent. These groups range in time commitment. Some are paid, but most are unpaid, and some make you eligible for City healthcare benefits. To learn more about the commissions, what vacancies exist, and how to apply for them - check out our Boards, Commissions, and Task Force tracker.

Work for an elected official

Great officials are enabled by great staff — strategic thinkers, policy experts, and operational tempo setters who execute with speed and precision. We work with elected officials to help them get great talent. If you want to work for one of them, let us know.

Join the Civil Grand Jury

Want to investigate the operations of San Francisco? Joining the Civil Grand Jury is a great way to help shine light on public business. You need to commit to a minimum of 10 hours per week. The deadline for this year is May 2, 2025. Check out more about the Civil Grand Jury and apply for the 2025-2026 year here.

Commission tracker

Here's just a few commissions that may need great candidates

Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission oversees the City’s merit system. They help make sure that San Francisco hires and promotes the best-qualified people for City jobs. They also conduct investigations and hold hearings for workers who think they have been treated unfairly.

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Homelessness Oversight Commission

The Homelessness Oversight Commission is the body that oversees the work of the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing.

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Housing Authority Commission

The Housing Authority Commission oversees the Housing Authority of the City and County of San Francisco. The Authority is a legally separate public entity created under the California Housing Authority Law to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing for persons of very low income.

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Municipal Transportation Agency Board Of Directors

The SFMTA Board of Directors provides policy oversight for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods in San Francisco.

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Planning Commission

The Planning Commission oversees the Planning Department. It reviews all proposed amendments to the Planning Code. It is also responsible for periodically recommending amendments to the City’s General Plan to the Board of Supervisors. The Commission has review authority over all permits regulated by the Planning Code, except certain permits issued under Articles 10 and 11.

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Police Commission

The Police Commission is the oversight and policy-making body for the Police Department and the Department of Police Accountability. The Commission also adjudicates discipline cases involving sworn members of the Police Department.

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Port Commission

The Port Commission is responsible for the seven and one-half miles of waterfront adjacent to San Francisco Bay, which the Port develops, markets, leases, administers, manages and maintains.

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Public Utilities Comission

The Public Utilities Commission oversees the department of the same name. The Commission has exclusive charge of the construction, management, supervision, maintenance, extension, expansion, operation, use and control of all water, clean water, and energy supplies and utilities of the City, as well as the real, personal, and financial assets, under the Commission’s jurisdiction.

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Public Works Commission

The Public Works Commission is the oversight body for the Department of Public Works. The Commission sets policy directives and is responsible for reviewing and evaluating department performance, holds hearings on the department's activities, approves contracts and annually hears and approves the department's budget plan.

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Recreation and Park Commission

The Recreation and Park Commission sets the policies and directives for the Recreation and Park Department.

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Sentencing Commission

The Sentencing Commission advises the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors on strategies to improve public safety, reduce recidivism, and reform criminal sentencing.

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Small Business Commission

The Small Business Commission oversees the Office of Small Business and analyzes how laws can impact small businesses and how we can help small businesses thrive.

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For elected officials and hiring managers

Looking to grow your team, or make critical appointments, but having a hard time finding great people? Our team can help you find the right person for the role. Email us.

Get in touch

If you have ideas about how to get more great leaders into government, email us!