The GrowSF Report, Vol. 37: Thanksgiving Letter
What GrowSF is thankful for
Published November 25, 2021

GrowSF Gives Thanks
What We're Thankful For
Dear Reader,
Our newsletter never shies from calling out the challenges facing San Francisco. Yet in every edition, we tell you something good about the city we love. It's important to remember we live in a fantastic place where there is always something fun to do.
San Francisco isn't only a city in crisis. Yes, we have a lot to fix when it comes to housing, transit, schools, and public safety. But we are blessed with breathtaking natural beauty along with an equally beautiful population of interesting and inspiring residents.
San Francisco is a city worth fixing because there is much to be hopeful for. That's why GrowSF pursues common sense solutions to create a truly world class city that works for everyone.
Residents\ GrowSF is thankful for every resident who cares enough about our city to stay and invest in making it better. Residents like Kit Lam, a father who gathered 4,000 signatures to get a recall of our dysfunctional school board on the ballot. When someone dared to steal the petitions from Kit, a video of his confrontation with the thief went viral: "I'm fighting for my kids' lives!" Kit shouted.
Reporters\ We're thankful for reporter Dion Lim, who was the first local journalist to ask District Attorney Chesa Boudin tough questions on live TV. She has relentlessly tried to hold Boudin accountable for not prosecuting repeat offenders, especially as attacks against Asian-Americans spiked this year.
We're lucky to have Chronicle columnist Heather Knight as San Francisco's next Herb Caen, celebrating the wonders of our city while taking to task the politicians who fail at their jobs. When it comes to GrowSF's signature issues --- more housing everywhere, helping small businesses, and turning the Great Highway into an oceanside park --- Heather writes articles we couldn't agree with more.
We're also thankful that investigative reporters like Joe Eskenazi and Michael Barba are exposing longtime corruption at City Hall. Fixing San Francisco starts with disinfecting our corrupt systems.
Partners\ We are very thankful for the groups who came before us and who we now partner with on important work: SF YIMBY, Together SF, and the Parks Alliance. And we love the new groups who have sprung up alongside us that we champion: Great Highway Park and Kid Safe SF.
We couldn't do this work without our donors and volunteers. Thank you.
We're inspired by the many small business owners who are coming up with new ideas to save our local economy, which is why we will do everything we can to support entrepreneurs.
And we wish our favorite elected official --- State Senator Scott Wiener --- could be cloned to hold every office. Imagine how well things would work if every politician was as smart, principled, caring, dedicated, and hardworking as Senator Wiener.
On this Thanksgiving, let's reflect on why we love San Francisco. The more we are grateful for, the more reason we have to never give up on this great city.
Your GrowSF newsletter editors,