GrowSF acquires The Bold Italic to celebrate the best of San Francisco
Release date: December 8, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: San Francisco, CA — GrowSF has acquired The Bold Italic and will relaunch it in early 2023 with a renewed focus on positive and optimistic…
No on Proposition I
Proposition I is a citizen signature initiative ordinance which will require the City to allow car traffic on the pedestrian-only JFK Promenade in Golden Gate Park and end the popular Great Highway…
Release date: June 10, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: San Francisco — GrowSF and its allies changed history this week, defeating an out-of-touch district attorney and Aaron Peskin's measure to prevent…
The GrowSF Report: Tower of Housing to Rival Salesforce Tower
What You Need To Know Here's what happened around the city for the week of December 11, 2021: A Tower of Housing to Rival Salesforce Tower? Yes, Please! From Parking to Housing --- On the Westside…
The GrowSF Report: Time to Save Shared Spaces Again
What You Need To Know Here's what happened around the city for the week of December 5, 2021: Time To Save Shared Spaces --- Again\ This Is Pulitzer Level Journalism. We Just Wish the Story Weren't So…
The GrowSF Report, Vol. 38: Hayes Bouncing Back, Pollution in the Air, Holiday Fun in SF
What You Need To Know Here’s what happened around the city for the week of November 28, 2021. Hayes Valley is booming The air wasn’t great — and it wasn’t a wildfire! Understand SF’s $13B budget…
The GrowSF Report, Vol. 37: Thanksgiving Letter
GrowSF Gives Thanks What We're Thankful For Dear Reader, Our newsletter never shies from calling out the challenges facing San Francisco. Yet in every edition, we tell you something good about the…
The Grow SF Report, Vol. 36: Will Safe Consumption Sites Stop Overdose Deaths?
What You Need To Know Here's what happened around the city for the week of November 15, 2021: Save Great Highway Park Mayor supports a safe consumption site Judge reverses change to merit-based…
The Grow SF Report, Vol. 35: Mayor Backs School Board Recall
What You Need To Know Here's what happened around the city for the week of November 7, 2021: Mayor Backs School Board Recall\ Boudin Recall Qualifies for Ballot\ The NIMBY Report shows how much…